In SharePoint 2013, I had a requirement to display page
versions in drop down and on selection of each version respective version
information should open in new window.
This requirement consists of two parts.
- Display drop down on each page
- Add versions in drop down and on selection of each drop down open version information.
For achieving 1st part, I created page layout and
added html Drop down code on page layout source, so every page created using
that page layout will have drop down on this page.
For 2nd part – I added below script in page
layout. This code extracts version number and sets it as text for drop down
option and value as URL for opening version information.
In SharePoint under layouts directory we can get all
versions information on Versions.aspx.
I am calling this page using JQuery Ajax API to read page
content. Once we get all html source which will have all versions information,
I am extracting required values using JQuery.
So on drop down change you have to open URL in value field
in new window. That’s it.
This code requires {LIST ID} as Pages library ID and Item ID
is Page ID.
var VersonNumberArray = new Array;
$(document).ready(function() {
for ( i = 0; i < versionEntries.length; i++ )
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.text = VersonNumberArray[i];
var urlVal = versionEntries[i].href
if (urlVal.indexOf("?") > -1)
urlVal = urlVal.split('=')[1];
urlVal = "/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID={ItemID}&VersionNo=" + urlVal;
urlVal = "/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID={ItemID}&VersionNo="
opt.value = urlVal;
function getItemVersions(success)
var itemid = document.getElementById('pageid').value;
var versionsUrl = 'http://{SiteURL}/_layouts/15/versions.aspx?list={ListID}&ID='+ itemid;
$.get( versionsUrl, function( data ) {
var versionEntries = parseVersionList(data);
function parseVersionList(data){
var versionList = $(data).find('');
var verurlList = $(versionList).find('a[onfocus="OnLink(this)"]');
var versonRows = $(versionList).find('> tbody > tr');
var children = null;
for(var i=0; i < versonRows.length ; i++)
var td = $(versonRows[i]).children('td:first');
if(td.length == 1)
if(td[0].vAlign == "top" && td[0].className == "ms-vb2")
return verurlList;
Happy SharePointing